8/6/2022 1 Comment Bring Love to the Table![]() The word "Chiropractic" means "done by hand". I touch people, which I consider a real privilege. I use my hands to help bring a patient's body back into balance and I use my touch to help move their spirit toward health. I touch not only with my hands, but my ears, my eyes, my heart and my intuition. I am a keen observer. I can see the surface and the depth; the current and the past. I see patterns and ask "What has helped other people with this pattern?" I focus on the underlying issue. What is the most efficient way forward? I am a doctor, a cheerleader, a trainer and a fierce momma bear. This is a second career for me. I graduated from Chiropractic school at age forty seven. Before that I was a technical project manager for AT&T and IBM. I had wanted to become a chiropractor for many years but didn't want to move my daughter away from her dad. So when she went to college, I went back to college. I had been a chiropractic patient for many years. After my daughter was born in 1985, I had difficulty walking. Someone suggested chiropractic. It helped and I felt so much better that I kept getting adjusted once or twice a month for years and brought my daughter as well. As a chiropractic patient, I was adjusted by many different methods, from the typical cracking and twisting, to low force instruments, to zero-force energy-work. I found that gentle instrument adjusting using the Activator Protocol was what worked best for me. I'm a very sensitive and flexible person; my body needed a very gentle approach. After a typical Activator adjustment I would feel centered, lighter and more clear-headed. So naturally, in chiropractic school, I focused on Activator as my specialty. The Activator method is very analytical, very left brain: 1.) Test a reflex, 2.) See if it balances the body, 3.) Adjust in the direction of balance. Interestingly, I have noted that many advanced Activator practitioners develop intuition about which reflexes to test. And in my own practice, I've used the Activator Protocol to test my hunches. Because my intuition has been validated, over and over , I have developed faith in my intuitive sense, which is a real short-cut to the discovery of what the patient needs most. As a chiropractic patient, my favorite doctors used Applied Kinesiology (AK) to test what the patient needed. Applied Kinesiology is basically asking the body questions. What does that mean? Who are we asking? I have no idea. But I do know that it is in 100% agreement with the Activator Protocol, which is researched-based. I am not the first Activator doctor to discover this. Many of us believe that the reflex testing of Activator Protocol is, at root, Applied Kinesiology. Several years ago I realized that there is no limit to what you can ask the body via AK. However, the first question I always ask is, "Can I ask this question?" Sometimes the answer is "no" for whatever reason. Maybe it's not the right time to ask? In my practice, I use the Activator Method to do a thorough scan for spinal alignment then I use AK to ask about the alignment of every other bone in the body. I may follow up by asking if there is muscle imbalance, food sensitivity, toxicity, recommended exercises, if a referral would be best, etc.. Yesterday, my patient came in with severe buttock pain. Her M.D. had diagnosed piriformis syndrome, which is a form of sciatica. I used the Activator protocol to test the piriformis muscle. Negative, not the piriformis muscle. Then I used AK to ask her body "Is the sciatic nerve being irritated." (Yes), Is there physical pressure on the sciatic nerve?" (No). "Is there chemical irritation of the sciatic nerve." (No). [Chemical irritation of the nerve would include inflammation or toxicity.] I opened my intuition, asking for the right question. "Is this referred pain from the gut?" (Yes) "Is it from something she ate?" (Yes) I stepped into my intuitive brain again to search for the answer/question. My intuition said "Non-wheat pasta." I asked my patient, "Have you eaten non-wheat pasta in the last week?" She replied, "Yes I eat gluten-free and I have eaten corn-based pasta and rice-based pasta." I asked her body "Did the corn-based pasta cause the sciatic nerve irritation?" (Yes) "Does the rice-based pasta cause it?" (No). I recommended to my patient that she eliminate corn from her diet completely. I also recommended an ionic foot bath, which will help pull the organic "corn-toxin" from her body. Often, I'll open my intuition and find the question "Should we do energy work?" I have been doing energy work for thirty years. At first just learning on my own, then studying with various masters. Energy-work, at it's most fundamental is using your intuitive sense to connect to another, to feel them similar to "knowing" that someone just walked into the room. As a practitioner, my goal is to quiet my mind, and to allow love and connection to be present. That is deeply healing. This is a human skill that anyone can learn. I recommend that you experiment doing energy-work with your loved-ones and pets. There are only two rules: 1.) Do not donate your energy to another and 2.) Do not take energy from another. It is a practice in healthy boundaries and connection with love. No worries, if you bring love to the table you cannot go wrong. xxoo
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September 2022
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