9/25/2022 0 Comments Increase Neck Range of MotionDr. Kelley LeBlanc shows you Gentle Neck Movements to increase range of motion (Cervical ROM) and reduce pain. Do 1-3 times per day. Hold each position for one breath. If you have severe neck pain and fever, please go to the Emergency Room. If any movement causes intense pain, STOP and see your doctor.
5/28/2018 1 Comment Text Neck - or iPhone Syndrome![]() Text Neck is a syndrome of over usage and a repetitive stress injuring the neck by holding your head in a forward and downward position for extended periods of time. This kind of excessive tension over long periods of time creates acute and chronic pain deep in the muscles of your neck and across the shoulders. Chronic headaches have also been linked to this condition. With upright posture, the ears should align with the center of your shoulders. With good posture, the weight of the head is balanced on top of the spine. The average human head weighs approximately 10-12 pounds (think bowling ball). When your head is moved forward by 1 inch away from neutral position, the force pulling on the neck and shoulder muscles increases 6 times - In other words, your traps and other muscles are holding up 60 pounds! Prolonged and frequent "Text Neck" can lead to inflammation of the neck ligaments, nerve irritation and changes in the natural curves of the spine. Do I have symptoms of "Text Neck"?
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it would be wise to see a chiropractor to examine your posture and neck alignment. Call today for an appointment, (843) 321-8119 |
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